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Fitness Myths - the truth about it!

Fitness Myths

Gym suffers more than the myths about what makes possible any other medical problems . Here we will list the most common myths and present the facts to dispel the myths of fitness.

Myth: The food pyramid is for everyone.

Fact: For many people , six to seven servings of grains , breads and cereals are also . It can cause swelling, unhealthy fat and fitness myths as facts and myths. Note that this book is not promoted after the food pyramid .

Myth: It's a perfect diet that works for everyone .

Fact: Biochemistry varies greatly from person to person is simply not true . Adjust the Family offer any strict diet plan , fitness myths , but an approach that can be adapted to the individual needs of the families of fitness facts and myths.

Myth: The higher cost of obesity in the United States is emotional , self- image and self-esteem fitness myths .

Fact: More than 300,000 deaths annually in the United States may be linked to obesity fitness myths . More than $ 117 billion each year is taken out of the economy due to obesity USA physical facts and myths.

Myth : Stress is not fattening .

Fact: The hormone released under stress , myths form cortisone causes carbohydrate cravings and overeating. He also stressed the desserts spelled backwards!

Myth: All metabolisms are equal.

Fact: The metabolism of each person is different , every body is unique . Family members have a metabolism that are not exactly the same fitness myths . Even identical twins do not have metabolisms fitness facts and myths.

Myth: A balanced diet provides everything you need to keep to the facts and myths of fitness.

Fact: For reasonable health can be closer to the truth, but for optimal health is not possible. You can eat healthy and still get all the nutrients your body needs food . Trace elements such as zinc, fitness facts and myths of magnesium, cobalt, fitness myths and are good examples of these nutrients fitness facts and myths shape .

Myth: Sugar makes kids hyperactive.

Reality : A correlation between sugar and hyperactivity has not been demonstrated . Hyperactivity, including eating disorders , fitness myths is a developmental disorder of multi -determined . It is believed that hyperactivity , fitness facts and myths now known as attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity or ADHD is caused by the absence of biochemical reactions in the brain , causing an inability to concentrate and focus fitness facts and myths .

Myth: Children need meat for healthy growth .

Reality : Children need protein, but meat is not the only source of protein. Many vehicles have high concentrations of proteins produced gym and myths. Soy products are rich in protein. Fish is rich in protein fitness myths .

Myth: Celery is a negative calorie fitness food myths .

Fact: No food reduces calories. There are some foods that contain no calories. Celery is a very low calorie diet fitness facts and myths.

Myth : Brown eggs are better than egg whites fitness myths .

In fact, less clearly identified as poor egg or low fat cholesterol , the facts and myths of fitness which are very recent arrivals in the market , there is no difference between these fitness myths eggs. The color does not have health benefits .

Myth : Vitamins and other dietary supplements are substitutes.

Reality : Vitamins and supplements are designed to increase the health benefits of food, to be used as a meal replacement . Supplements can not and does not provide dietary fiber, fitness myths is essential to the functioning of the digestive tract , and other essentials that the body has stopped and fitness myths. The tablets do not replace food.

Myth: The croissants are normal to eat a healthy breakfast.

Fact: Croissants containing twelve times the fat and 50 percent more calories than bread or English muffin clear . Always read the nutrition labels on the rolls because they are the same all fitness myths .

Myth: Sea salt is better for you than salt 'table' .

Fact: Sea salt is not more nutritious than the facts from the myths of fitness and salt value . It just tastes different .

Myth: Chinese food leaves you hungry in an hour fitness myths .

Fact: There is no scientific proof. Many Chinese dishes are heavily loaded with rice and steamed vegetables and low in protein , which may be hungry because you have a protein deficiency in time to digest food fitness myths .

Myth : Eating at night makes you fat .

Fact: Families love to discuss this topic , but the truth is that the food has no effect on weight gain fitness myths . Weight gain is reduced to the amount of calories you eat during the day. It is true that you burn fewer calories at night because your metabolism slows down when you are resting or sleeping.

Myth: Fresh fruits and vegetables are healthier than canned or frozen .

Reality : In procedures for freezing and canning modern, this is simply not true. In fact, frozen fruits and vegetables are picked at optimum ripeness and canned or frozen immediately, the myths of fitness, so that these options can have a more consistent nutritional value you choose fresh in the supermarket.

Myth: Fatty foods that are full .

Fact: Fiber is very important to fill with fitness facts and myths of fat. Fat contains a higher percentage of calories as carbohydrates or proteins, fitness myths , but the magnitude of the fiber in the three categories of foods varies percentage.

Myth: You should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to maintain good health . The Myth of 8 x 8 .

Reality : 5-6 glasses of water is sufficient and can consume water from various sources, such as soft drinks, fitness myths milk, coffee , tea, etc. However, the facts and myths Fitness form , the body loses more water during sweat intensive activity , so be aware that drinking more during and after strenuous exercise . Water consumption during the activity also helps keep body temperature regulated facts and myths gym .

Myth : You have to eat to lose weight.

Fact: There is no such thing as a perfect food . If a perfect power implies the denial or sacrifice, fitness myths , then it is true.You can have fun with food and lose weight.

Myth: If left alone , the myths of fitness without any external influence , fitness facts and myths of a child eats only what you need and do not overeat.

Fact: The tendency to overeat are the facts and myths of fitness instinctive . Kids Eat motivated by immediate gratification and not necessarily according to the physiological signal that it is full . Children are more ruled by instant gratification as adults, fitness myths , then one could argue that they have a greater tendency to overeat.

Myth: Children do not have to worry about counting calories and shape fitness myths facts .

Fact: Children need to see calories as well as adults should . The percentage of overweight children has increased dramatically fitness myths . Children should be raised in an environment that teaches them to maintain a healthy weight watch what they eat.

Myth: Nuts are horrible foods that ruin the plans.

Fact: Nuts are high in saturated fats , unsaturated fats. Eat small amounts because nuts are high in calories, and try to continue the unsalted variety . Eating nuts can ruin the plans also tend to eat too much, fitness myths add extra calories per day in total.

Myth: If you eat a lot of salt , it automatically increases blood pressure.

Fact: Despite the large amounts of salt is not good for you, for a variety of reasons, high blood pressure is one of them , according to the latest medical research , unless you are sensitive to salt myths fitness .

Myth : Tea and coffee are the same in health .

Fact: Tea contains less caffeine than coffee and tea is a good antioxidant . Tea also reduces plaque in the arteries. Tea does not promote bone loss . For all these reasons , tea is a healthier alternative to coffee fitness myths .

Myth: Coffee should be removed from a healthy lifestyle .

Fact: The latest results show that coffee in moderation is not bad for your health. The idea that coffee causes heart disease , stomach ulcers and cancer has not been proven by research and coffee drinks is one of the most studied .

Myth: People who are obese do not burn calories as efficiently as thin people .

Fact : Studies show that the difference in calories burned by lean and obese people is very low and that any difference between the two is probably attributable to overweight an obese person takes about fitness myths .

Myth: Strength training retard the growth of a child.

Fact: Strength training will not delay or prevent the growth of a child. This will help the muscles get stronger , as it is aimed at fitness myths . The warning about strength training is an injury rather than a slowdown.

Myth artificial sweeteners cause cancer because it contains phenyl . Warning labels say diet drinks fitness myths myths .

Fact: Phenyl is an essential amino acid that the body needs acid , but is also a component of aspartame sweeteners artificial physical myths . Most people do not have to worry about it , the myths of the physical condition , but suffering from a metabolic disorder called KU can not handle phenyl and reach toxic levels in the myths of body fitness. This is true for one of the fifteen thousand people.

Myth: If you drink a soda with a candy bar , fitness myths as the calories in the candy bar are canceled by the soda .

Fact: No food or drink can not replace the calories from other foods.

Myth: Colon cleansing body wash poisons .

Fact: Colon cleansing has no known medical value and can damage the colon or rectum fitness myths . The intestine is not dirty and our bodies do a good job of cleaning itself . However, eating spicy foods can lead to bloating and gas, and this condition can be helped with the same procedures recommended colon cleansing . However, fitness myths drinking plenty of water may help too.

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